Our food

Our meals include

Vegetables: Fresh, mostly organic, free of agrochemicals and grown in our own garden.

Proteins: In our dishes, we prioritize free range chicken and fish raised in ponds with aeration systems, as well as pulses. We also periodically serve red meat.

Fruits: Served daily as a morning snack and as dessert at lunch, delivered fresh to our kitchens daily by local farmers. They are an important source of vitamins and antioxidants, supporting a balanced diet.

Pasta: GMO free pasta is offered weekly and it is one of our students’ favorite meals.  

Special diets: Every day we offer variations of our dishes for vegetarian and vegan diets, as well as for other dietary restrictions.

Education and nutrition

Through our nutrition program we offer a healthy diet for all students and staff members, developing the importance of balanced nutrition, good table manners and little food waste.

We share meals in a familiar and pleasant atmosphere. Since we offer a mid-morning snack and a full lunch at noon, students are not allowed to bring food to school. All prepared dishes are low in sodium and sugar